Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wondering About Today??

Do you ever have days where you wonder? What am I doing? Why am I doing "____" for a living? Is this really my purpose in life or am I missing something? If I am missing that something where did I misplace it?? Will I ever find it again?

I get that way at least once a month. When you hit a certain age things like purpose and fulfillment become more important. What is that certain age?? For me it was around 35-40. What about you? What are you here for? What is your purpose? Are you closer today to fulfilling that purpose? What steps today did you take to fulfill your life's work?

For me I got up ate a healthy breakfast and now at 10am I am heading to the drug store to start my new ADD medication. Maybe now I can stay focused enough to get some things done around here! I would like to fulfill what ever God desires for me.